
Rehabilitation Multiple Sclerosis

Pubblicato il 14/06/2022
Institute Simple Structure - Head Alessandra Lugaresi

The Multiple Sclerosis Rehabilitation Unit deals with inflammatory/demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system - the most frequent of which are Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromyelitis Optica - by providing the clinical picture, performing or prescribing diagnostic investigations and administering the most advanced therapies available.

Care activities

The activity is aimed at the diagnosis, pharmacological, rehabilitation and psychological treatment of patients with suspected or definite diagnosis of multiple sclerosis and demyelinating diseases. The activity is carried out on an outpatient, day service and day hospital basis. The Centre is open to all citizens of the province of Bologna, within the framework of the Multiple Sclerosis PDTA. There are contacts with Family Physicians and Paediatricians of free choice, as well as doctors specialising in neurology and other disciplines. The activity is also aimed at a large number of patients from the regional and national area. All the professionals needed to take care of the patient work in the centre: neurologist, nurse, physiatrist, physiotherapist, speech therapist and psychologist, who work together to form a multidisciplinary team.

Research activities

The research activity is focused on the study of pathogenetic mechanisms, the identification of early biomarkers of prognosis or useful for guiding the choice of therapy in multiple sclerosis. activities are carried out in coordination with other centres in the Emilia-Romagna region and within the framework of national and international collaborations. Of particular interest are the study of paediatric forms and the study of the evolution of the disease in relation to the phases of female reproductive life up to ageing. Further research is being conducted in the field of palliative care, bioethics in relation to the more advanced or disabling stages of the disease and precision medicine, with studies dedicated to assessing outcomes relevant to people with multiple sclerosis, such as quality of life and personal autonomy. In particular, protocols for complex functional assessment in therapy monitoring, rehabilitation protocols using functional electrical stimulation (FES), stabilometric assessment and evaluation of functional indices in patients treated with cannabinoids are underway.


See the list of the most representative publications of this Unit.


Alessandra Lugaresi, Neurologist, Head of the Centre
Cinzia Scandellari, Neurologist
Loredana Sabattini, Physiatrist
Federica Pinardi, neurologist
Francesca Falzone, neurologist
Elisa Ferriani, psychologist
Francesca Rizzi, speech therapist
Stefania Pozzi, physiotherapist
Emilio Taricone, physiotherapist
Luca Venturi, physiotherapist
Ivano Anemone, psychologist
Elisa Ferriani, psychologist
Micaela Burzi, nursing coordinator


For information or requests to take charge
email: centrosm@ausl.bologna.it
fax: 051-496.62.22

For communications
telephone: 051-496.62.11 (from 1.00 p.m. to 2.30 p.m., Monday to Friday)
fax: 051- 496.62.22
email: centrosm@ausl.bologna.it (please include the name of the doctor to whom the message is addressed in the subject line)

For emergencies (e.g. suspected relapse)
Telephone: 051-496.62.11
(9.30-10.30 am, Monday to Friday)

During the lockdown the phone reception hours are extended to Monday to Friday, 9 am to 2 pm.