
Neuroradiology OM

Pubblicato il 14/06/2022
Institute Simple Unit - Head Luigi Simonetti

Neuroradiology OM is mainly engaged in the organisation and management of diagnostic and interventional neuroradiological activity in emergency/urgency. Neuroradiology OM participates in

  • the Metropolitan Stroke Network, in collaboration with the Neurology Department of the Maggiore Hospital
  • the Metropolitan Trauma Network, in collaboration with the Accident and Emergency and Resuscitation units of the Maggiore Hospital
  • the organisation and management of the 24-hour metropolitan neurointerventional rapid response, in collaboration with OB Neuroradiology

Care activities

Basic CT Neuroradiology Diagnostics in emergency, urgent and elective cases for patients admitted to the Maggiore Hospital units
Advanced CT neuroradiological diagnostics (arterial Angio-CT, triphasic Angio-CT, venous Angio-CT, perfusion CT) in emergency, urgent and elective cases for patients admitted to the Maggiore Hospital units.
Basic Neuroradiological MRI diagnostics in emergencies, emergencies and elections for patients admitted to the Maggiore Hospital units
Diagnostic Angiography and Neuro-Interventional Activities in time-dependent, emergency and elective emergencies for patients admitted to the units of the Maggiore Hospital
Diagnostic Angiography Neuro-Interventional Activities for pre-surgical, curative or palliative purposes in emergency, urgent and elective cases for patients admitted to the Oncological and Degenerative Spinal Surgery Unit of the IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli.
Basic and advanced CT and MRI neuroradiology diagnostics, in emergencies and elections, for external users
Telereferencing of scheduled Angio-CT examinations of neuroradiological interest for the Porretta, Bentivoglio and S. Giovanni in Persiceto Hospitals

Research activities

The research activity mainly concerns the field of cerebrovascular and ischaemic and haemorrhagic pathology. Neuroradiology OM participates in the Italian Endovascular Register and in the Institute's multidisciplinary study group on CT perfusion and acute stroke.
There is also a collaboration with the IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli for the multicentre study for the management of primary tumours of the spine (2017-2027).


See the main publications of this unit.


Luigi Simonetti, Director of Neuroradiology OM, Neuroradiologist
Carlotta Barbara, Neuroradiologist
Salvatore Isceri, Neuroradiologist
Francesco Tagliatela, Neuroradiologist
Silvia Stagni, Neuroradiologist


Neuroradiology OM
IRCCS Istituto delle Scienze Neurologiche di Bologna 
Head Office of the Ospedale MaggioreLargo Nigrisoli 2 - 40133 Bologna

studio (+39) 051-647.89.22
ward (+39)  051-647.89.73 
Angio-suite (+39) 051-647.89.35
