
Neurology OB

Pubblicato il 14/06/2022
Complex Operational Unit - Director Roberto Michelucci

OB Neurology provides care for acute and chronic neurological diseases according to the criteria of appropriateness and specificity of interventions, integrating into the metropolitan network for neurological care. Characteristic activities are: diagnosis and treatment of rare and complex epilepsies and pre-surgical selection of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy, degenerative diseases and with cognitive defect, performance of neurophysiological examinations and monitoring in the operating room and resuscitation.

Care activities

  • Inpatient activities in ordinary inpatient units (consisting of 9 beds, 4 of which are in the intensive epilepsy monitoring area - UMIE - dedicated to prolonged video-EEG monitoring).
  • Inpatient DH activity (1 bed for invasive diagnostic activities) and outpatient Day Service activity dedicated to complex diagnostic and therapeutic pathways
  • Neurological counselling for patients at Bellaria and neighbouring hospitals
  • Neurological consultancy and intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring at the IOR
  • Outpatient outpatient clinics organised into second-level clinics for the diagnosis and treatment of complex epilepsy, oncological epilepsy, paediatric epilepsy, newly diagnosed epilepsy, cognitive disorders (at the Expert Centre for Cognitive Disorders), headache, Parkinson's and movement disorders, neuromuscular and peripheral nervous system diseases, neuropathic pain and administration of botulinum toxin
  • Clinical neurophysiology activities for inpatients and outpatients
  • Clinical neurophysiology activities in the operating theatre for spinal surgery or in the critical area
  • Clinical Neuropsychology activities (for epilepsy and neurodegenerative diseases.

Research activities

The main areas of research include:

  • trials of new drugs for drug-resistant epilepsies and status epilepticus
  • studies on the natural history of rare diseases, in particular progressive myoclonic epilepsies such as Unverricht Lundborg and Lafora disease
  • studies on the phenotypic and genetic characterisation of progressive myoclonic epilepsies and familial temporal epilepsies (autosomal dominant lateral temporal epilepsy)
  • studies on the implementation of new neurophysiological techniques such as somatosensory evoked potentials and transcranial magnetic stimulation in epilepsy
  • studies on clinical EEG semeiology, aetiology and surgical treatment of epilepsies


See the list of the most representative publications of this Unit.


  • Roberto Michelucci, MD, PhD, Director UOC Neurology and Head of UMIE, Neurologist expert in diagnosis and therapy of epilepsy
  • Marcella Broli, MD, Neurologist, fellowRoberta Pantieri, MD, PhD, Neurologist expert in movement disorders and neurodegenerative diseases
  • Elena Pasini, MD, Neurologist with expertise in epilepsy
  • Francesca Pastorelli, MD, PhD, Neurologist with expertise in clinical neurophysiology
  • Rosaria Plasmati, MD, Neurologist and Neurophysiologist with expertise in peripheral nervous system pathologies
  • Patrizia Riguzzi, MD, Neurologist with expertise in surgical treatment of epilepsy and headache 
  • Maria Tappatà, MD, Neurologist, research fellow
  • Lilia Volpi, MD, Neurologist expert in Neurology of the age of development and surgical therapy of epilepsy
  • Francesca Santoro, Psychotherapist expert in neuropsychology, research fellow
  • Silvia Magarelli Neuropsychologist, research fellow
  • Serena Mazzone Psychologist, scholarship holder
  • Sergio Vanelli, CPSS Tnfp, CoordinatorFernando Blasioli, CPS Tnfp
  • Vittoria Graziella Borgia, CPS Tnfp
  • Laura Cassani, CPS Tnfp
  • Angelo Guerra, CPS Tnfp
  • Stefania Mazzini, CPS Tnfp
  • Gemma Adriana Paternò, CPS Tnfp
  • Claudia Pelliccioni, CPS Tnfp
  • Pierpaolo Petrolini, CPS Tnfp
  • Yuriy Ponych, CPS Tnfp
  • Maurizio Santi, CPS Tnfp
  • Irene Minardi, CPS Tnfp contract researcher
  • Laura Fabbri, CPS Tnfp research contract researcher
  • Rita Tugnoli, administrative collaborator


Neurology secretariat
Tel. 051-6225368 Fax 051-6225369

Tel.  051-5225734

Coordinator Neurophysiopathology Laboratories
Tel. 051-6225886
Fax 051-4966175

Doctors Department
Tel. 051-4966081

Tel. 051-4966080 
Fax 051-4966098

Day-hospital and day service
tel. 051-6225456
Fax 051-6225378

tel. 051-4966990
Fax 051-4966993