
Epidemiology and Statistics

Pubblicato il 14/06/2022
Institute Simple Organisational Unit - Head Francesco Nonino

The Epidemiology and Statistics Unit provides methodological and statistical support to ISNB researchers, collaborates as a partner in research projects promoted by other Units of the Institute and plays a coordinating and leading role in independent research lines on neurological diseases. The Unit also provides methodological support to international projects for the production of guidelines and consensus documents based on scientific evidence.

Since 2019, the Epidemiology and Statistics Unit has been an active part of the international Cochrane and GRADE Working Group networks. The Unit organises and carries out refresher training activities for researchers and health personnel of the Institute. In addition to methodological and/or statistical support to the Institute's scientific projects, the Unit conducts independent studies on different neurological diseases. The main epidemiological research lines are:

  • Implementation of a record linkage system for Parkinson's disease and Parkinsonisms in the province of Bologna
  • Prodromal features associated with increased risk of developing Parkinson's disease
  • Exposure to antibiotics and tonsillectomy as risk factors for Multiple Sclerosis
  • Management of complex neurological patients
  • Prescribing patterns of antiepileptic drugs and fetal health outcomes


CochraneItaly website

Cochrane.org website