
Innovations in the management of Pituitary - Adrenal disorders and their comorbidities

Pubblicato il 09/12/2020
  • Aggiungi l'evento al calendario iCal

The congress “Innovations in the management of pituitary-adrenal disorders and their comorbidities"  aims at providing an update on the articulated and multispecialty process underlying the diagnosis and treatment of the different conditions leading to the hypo- and hyperfunctioning of the pituitary-adrenal axis, and of their comorbidities. 

The widespread of advanced imaging techniques, together with the increased clinical awareness, has lead in the last years to a progressive and significant increase in the number of cases of hypo- and hyperfunction of the pituitary-adrenal axis. Moreover, new discoveries in the field of genetics, laboratory medicine and pathological anatomy have allowed a better etiopathological characterization of these conditions, and introduced new more efficacious and less invasive treatments. On the other hand, several aspects in the diagnostic and therapeutic field remain debated. The definition of early and individualized treatments, defined on the basis of the patient and disease peculiarities, aimed at improving the clinical outcome and patient quality of life, represents a very actual challenge.

Internationally renown Specialists in various fields, coming from the most prestigious Italian, European and American Universities, will take part to this event as speakers and moderators. Four different thematic sessions, dedicated to the state of the art and perspectives in diagnosis (genetic, biochemical and radiological) and treatment of pituitary-adrenal hypo- and hyperfunctioning have been defined. The presence of spaces dedicated to the discussion at the end of each session, the application of virtual technologies will allow a real-time interaction among speakers, moderators, and the audience, aimed at better defining still open issues, optimize learning and build interdisciplinary collaborations.


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