Neuroscience Biobank of Bologna (BNB)
The Bologna Neuroscience Biobank (BNB) is a nonprofit, service unit aimed at the collection, processing, preservation and distribution of human-derived biological specimens and associated information for the benefit of the scientific community, with full respect for the participating individual.
Research Activities
The primary purpose of the Bologna Neuroscience Biobank is to foster the advancement of biomedical research and the conduct of scientific studies, aimed at contributing to the development of neuroscience, neurotechnology, innovative diagnostic techniques and new treatments in neurology.
The BNB pursues its public service activities in accordance with criteria of legality, ethics and quality, shared nationally and internationally by the scientific community, guaranteeing the protection of the rights of those involved, according to the provisions of the relevant laws, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR General Data Protection Regulation, EU Regulation No. 2016/679) and the signed informed consent for donation and data processing.
Biosamples are stored in association with the personal, genetic, and clinical data of the person (patient, relative, or voluntary participant) and processed in a pseudonymized manner, so that the identity of the person involved cannot be traced back to the sample itself, except under conditions of necessity stipulated in the BNB regulations.
In this way, the biobank ensures traceability of samples and data and respects the participant's right to benefit from the results while maintaining anonymity.
The participant, at any time, can decide to withdraw consent for donation.
- Raffaele Lodi, Ph.D, Scientific Director of ISNB and President of the BNB Biobank
- Francesco Colaci, Ph.D, Health Researcher, Head of the BNB Biobank
- Sara Mechregui, Professional Health Research Collaborator
- Lucia Barra, Biomedical Laboratory Health Technician
- Giulia Conversano, Biomedical Laboratory Health Technician
- Alessandro Lapi, Physicist
- Erica La Manna, Neurophysiopathology Technician