
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Care Pathways (PDTA)

Pubblicato il 14/06/2022

The treatment and care of chronic neurological diseases with the highest epidemiological impact is organised through diagnostic and therapeutic care pathways (PDTA).
PDTAs have been developed both for the continuous improvement of clinical care and to develop and support hypotheses for epidemiological and evaluative research on services. For each PDTA a clinical and a care manager is identified.
At present, 12 PDTAs are under the direct responsibility of ISNB professionals, while the Institute provides a significant specialist contribution to at least 7 pathways, which can also refer to other disciplinary areas. Some of the pathways activated involve non-company structures and have been developed and shared with other companies in the city and province (AOU Policlinico S.Orsola Malpighi, Montecatone Rehabilitation Institute in Imola).

List of PDTAs under the direct responsibility of the ISNB

  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
  • Pathway for rare neuromuscular diseases in childhood and adulthood
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorders
  • Cerebral Neoplasia
  • Pathway of the child at risk of developing multiple disabilities
  • Parkinson's disease patient pathway
  • Epilepsy patient pathway
  • Patient pathway for diencephalon-pituitary and skull base disorders
  • Pathological Gambling Disorder patient pathway
  • Pathway for people with Multiple Sclerosis
  • Patient pathway for head and neck neoplasms
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic care pathway for the patient with epilepsy in developmental age

List of PDTAs addressed to other hospitals or territorial services in the region

  • Traumatic myeloma patient pathway in collaboration with Montecatone Rehabilitation Institute
  • Patient pathway for subarachnoid haemorrhage (ESA) in collaboration with Bologna University Hospital
  • Diagnostic-Therapeutic-Assistance Path for adult patients with mild-moderate head trauma in collaboration with AOU-Bologna and AUSL Imola
  • Pathway for patients with severe cerebral palsy in collaboration with Montecatone Rehabilitation Institute and Santa Viola Private Hospital in Bologna
  • Pathway of the adult patient with non-traumatic headache in collaboration with Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Bologna
  • Dementia patient pathway in collaboration with Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Bologna
  • Diagnostic and assistance pathway for people with cerebral stroke in collaboration with Bologna University Hospital